Contact us

Asraya Voluntary Organisation, Trivandrum

Reg. No. T 1684/99

The Regional Cancer Centre,
Medical College PO
Kerala, India
PIN CODE: 695011

Email: [email protected]

J.Lalithambika IAS (Rtd)
Tel. No. 0471-2435471
Mob. 9447694050

President & Chief Co-ordinator
Santha Jose
Tel. No. 0471-2540325
Mob. 9447012131

Jt. Co-ordinators
1. Jessy Jacob
Tel. No 9446846075

2. Rahelamma A V
Mob. 7907679931

Prabha Nair
Tel.No. 9895091146

Jt. Secretary
Reji Mathen
Tel. No. 0471-2591682
Mob. 9447344035

Lizzy Kurian
Tel No. 0471-2446106
Mob. 9447893877

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